Thursday, March 15, 2012

These Are A Few of My Favorite Blogs

I thought I would just share with you some of my favorite blogs.

Restless Oasis  This is my cousins blog and it is awesome.  She has such a great decorating and fashion sense.  It's a blog with some of everything from decorating and fashion to DIY projects and recipes and it will give you some really great ideas.

The Small Things Blog  If you are looking for a great hair blog, this is it.  She has such cute hair ideas with tutorials on how to do them all.  I would highly recommend checking it out.

Trash to Couture  I love this blog.  She takes clothes that you would normally throw out and turns them into something beautiful.  I don't sew, but this blog makes me wish I did and is motivation for me to start.

Heather Armstrong Photography  This is one of my very favorite photographers.  Her work is beautiful.  The way she captures people is amazing.

Deena Safari  This blog is definitely a great and fun read. Deena is an excellent writer.  This is a blog that both Jon and I really enjoy!!

So here they are, some of my favorite blogs right now.  Go check them out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beach Day

It has been a while since I posted.  I took a small break, but now I am back.

There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall.  I am the type of person that loves to enjoy each season.  Unfortunately, this year we did not get a winter.  I don't mean it was a short winter so it felt like no winter. I mean we seriously did not get a winter this year.  Thanksgiving came and it wasn't cold.  Then Christmas came around and, again, it wasn't cold.  New Year's Eve, January and February all went by and I kept looking for winter and it never came.  I love winter.  Living in the south, it's the one time of year I get a break from the suffocating humidity. I have to say I have been very disappointed. So, after a brief time of mourning, I decided it was time to just cut my losses and embrace spring!

This past weekend we decided to take a day trip to the beach with the dogs.  It was a perfect day and so relaxing.  This was the first time we had ever taken the dogs to the beach so we weren't sure what to expect.  Cassie is a pit bull, so we thought we would really have to keep an eye on her.  It wasn't too crowded so we were able to have the dogs off the leash for the most part.  Surprisingly, Molly, the black lab is the one we had to keep on the leash.  She would bark and lunge at every dog that came near us. Meanwhile, Cassie just sat there not bothered a bit by any person or dog and even made a friend.  It was such a fun time and we are planning a trip back very soon.